How to Check Index Status of Your Website without using Webmasters Tool

What is Index Status ?

Index Status is checking how many pages of your website / blog are indexed on search engines. Especially search Engine like Google. If your new pages / posts are not indexed in Google then they will not be shown in the search results.
That's why Indexing of a site is important.

Indexing and Google Webmasters

You can easily find your site's index status if you are using Google Webmasters. But it does not show the current results. It will show you the data that is few hours old or even days old. In that case how can you find if your recent posts are indexed or not. 

How to check Index Status without using Webmasters ?

There are various ways to find it. I will discuss few methods which i have implement on my website to check index status. If you have posted an article on your website few minutes ago and want to find weather its indexed or not, then there are following methods to find it.

Method 1

Search the title of you post in Google. For example i searched for "How to make Dynamic URL in HTML by using Events" , which was recently published on my blog. It showed the following result, which means its indexed.

Method 2 :

Search the URL of your post to find the exact result, as i have done in the screenshot below.
If you want to check more accurate results, then you can search for it inside the inverted commas.
If your post / page is not indexed then you will get the following result

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