Several bloggers and webmasters use to display a feed of posts and pages on a particular post/page. I am also using it on my blogs. Its easy to display label feeds. You can easily get its script code if you google for it. But you have to use a trick and do some changes in the code to make it display the search results for a particular word.
There is a common script that you need to add before </head> in your blogger template. That script in given below.
You have to add the following code in the HTML code of post/page where you want to display the feed.
In the above code change Label%20Name to the name of label for which you want to display the feed. The code %20 is used for space character (if any). As the above code is self explanatory so you can edit the number of posts, post thumbnail, numbers of characters in post summary and various other features.
In the above code change search+phrase to the phrase or word that you want to search. If these is a single word to search then you don't need a "+" sign, but if there are more than one word then you need to place a "+" sign between them.
I hope that the above coding will help you in making your blog better.
The feed below uses blogger and script words to display the feed from my blog.
There is a common script that you need to add before </head> in your blogger template. That script in given below.
<script type='text/javascript'>
function labelthumbs(json){document.write('<ul class="label_with_thumbs">');for(var i=0;i<numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='replies'&&[k].type=='text/html'){var[k].title;var[k].href;}
if([k].rel=='alternate'){[k].href;break;}}var thumburl;try{$thumbnail.url;}catch(error)
{s=entry.content.$t;a=s.indexOf("<img");b=s.indexOf("src=\"",a);c=s.indexOf("\"",b+5);d=s.substr(b+5,c-b-5);if((a!=-1)&&(b!=-1)&&(c!=-1)&&(d!="")){thumburl=d;}else thumburl='';}
var postdate=entry.published.$t;var cdyear=postdate.substring(0,4);var cdmonth=postdate.substring(5,7);var cdday=postdate.substring(8,10);var monthnames=new Array();monthnames[1]="Jan";monthnames[2]="Feb";monthnames[3]="Mar";monthnames[4]="Apr";monthnames[5]="May";monthnames[6]="June";monthnames[7]="July";monthnames[8]="Aug";monthnames[9]="Sept";monthnames[10]="Oct";monthnames[11]="Nov";monthnames[12]="Dec";document.write('<li class="clearfix">');if(showpostthumbnails==true)
document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top"><img class="label_thumb" src="'+thumburl+'"/></a>');document.write('<strong><a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top">'+posttitle+'</a></strong><br>');if("content"in entry){var postcontent=entry.content.$t;}
if("summary"in entry){var postcontent=entry.summary.$t;}
else var postcontent="";var re=/<\S[^>]*>/g;postcontent=postcontent.replace(re,"");if(showpostsummary==true){if(postcontent.length<numchars){document.write('');document.write(postcontent);document.write('');}
else{document.write('');postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,numchars);var quoteEnd=postcontent.lastIndexOf(" ");postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd);document.write(postcontent+'...');document.write('');}}
var towrite='';var flag=0;document.write('<br>');if(showpostdate==true){towrite=towrite+monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)]+'-'+cdday+' - '+cdyear;flag=1;}
{if(flag==1){towrite=towrite+' | ';}
if(commenttext=='1 Comments')commenttext='1 Comment';if(commenttext=='0 Comments')commenttext='No Comments';commenttext='<a href="'+commenturl+'" target ="_top">'+commenttext+'</a>';towrite=towrite+commenttext;flag=1;;}
{if(flag==1)towrite=towrite+' | ';towrite=towrite+'<a href="'+posturl+'" class="url" target ="_top">More »</a>';flag=1;;}
Script to display the Label Feed
You have to add the following code in the HTML code of post/page where you want to display the feed.
<script type="text/javascript">var numposts = 10;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = true;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 125;</script>
<script src="/feeds/posts/default/-/Label%20Name?published&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs" type="text/javascript"></script>
In the above code change Label%20Name to the name of label for which you want to display the feed. The code %20 is used for space character (if any). As the above code is self explanatory so you can edit the number of posts, post thumbnail, numbers of characters in post summary and various other features.
Script to display Search Feed
<script type="text/javascript">var numposts = 10;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = true;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 125;</script>
<script src="/feeds/posts/default/-/search?q=search+phrase&by-date=true?published&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs" type="text/javascript"></script>
In the above code change search+phrase to the phrase or word that you want to search. If these is a single word to search then you don't need a "+" sign, but if there are more than one word then you need to place a "+" sign between them.
I hope that the above coding will help you in making your blog better.
The feed below uses blogger and script words to display the feed from my blog.
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